How NOT to be a good singer!
How not to become a good singer!
One of my students said the other day – There’s one big problem with Alexander Technique. What’s that I asked?
There’s no link between the ‘problem’ a person is going through e.g. chronic hoarseness, and what the Technique does for it.
She continued; doctors have a clear picture of what is wrong! And clear way/s to fix it. But not so Alexander!
At this point I stopped her; if only to point out that this is not about ‘fixing’ a condition.
Yet, I did get her dilemma. What if, she felt; she forked out for lessons not knowing how or what it changes.
She does come away from a lesson feeling and sounding different, but how could she connect the long term healing with the method!
Here’s the thing, humans have conditioned themselves to ‘get better’ immediately. Reaching for treatments comes first to mind.
Only down the track, when things still aren’t working, we realize there is no such thing as a quick fix. It might appear so sometimes, but it’s often neither reliable nor consistent.
Adele’s a typical example. Surgery to fix her injured throat, twice! Eventually to stop singing altogether!
And sometimes, fix one symptom, something else becomes a problem – long term.
The compensation factor!
No matter how we look at it, you cannot treat symptoms. Ultimately, the overall responsibility rests with YOU!
Becoming your own body ‘mechanic’ is a journey few people take. Those who do are the fortunate ones.
The simplest starting point to self healing anything is to focus on what is happening at the source of all your movements.
This is Alexander’s discovery.
Try this…..
If you are standing or sitting…..
Allow your neck muscles to release into their longest resting length….no pushing anything. Your head can be freely poised and no need to hold it up—it will balance easier, effortlessly.
If you achieve this one thing as often as you can each day, you are giving your whole system a rest and reprieve.
This is working with your voice, this is the beginning.
Then………..getting your body to join in and work with it is a great way to pass the time.
When waiting for someone, or the bus, or using your phone. (You might not be speaking on it, but you’re sure affecting your voice box! Indirectly).
Take a tip, be gentle on yourself and your voice, you’ll have the reward long time!
Want to ‘fix’ a chronic condition, explore your Self!
If you struggle doing it yourself, get some Alexander help.
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