
Natural Vocal Freedom

Sing Without Strain – Free Your Voice – Perform at your Best

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Rediscover the effortless singing, abundant breath and extensive energy that’s yours.
Could this be the stress release every singer has been waiting for?

After lessons you’re singing with less tension and stress.  It starts to feel easier and more comfortable.
Your daily actions: singing; practice, moving, standing, working have eased.
More session info here

Watch Sinaed Fitzgerald, budding singer and actor.. “My ability in singing and acting surpasses anything I thought I could do.  My voice has opened up; it’s stopped the strain on my neck”

Singers, we help enable you to sing or speak with your purist voice.  With effortless confidence.  I am crazy about working with singers and singing teachers.  Singing teachers, add depth to your teaching.

Helen says “At last I realize how I have to open my voice.   I  feel more relaxed when my vocal chords are open”

Singing teachers – Find info and tips that have helped my students here.  Leave your details here if  you’d like me to send it to you,

Famous singers and actors who use Alexander Technique for Voice
  • Madonna (singer and musician)
  • Paul McCartney (singer)
  • Victoria Beckham (singer and model)
  • Dame Judy Dench (actor)
  • Hugh Jackman (actor)
  • William Hurt (actor)
  • Kevin Kline (actor)
  • Hilary Swank (actor)
  • The late Robin Williams (actor)
Jump in here – get tips and free online eCourse.

How I came to loving natural vocal singing…sharing my core life experiences, my ‘roadmaps’.  Initially it was not about singing at all.

At that time I was under a great deal of strain.  Pregnancy, bringing up children, running a home and working.  I developed an excruciating back problem. There was little sing to sing about.  I struggled to deal with pain, tension and immobility.  It was doom and gloom!

What happened to change my life..

Finally, after many years and many treatments: medications: exercises of various kinds, I discovered this unique programme, Alexander Technique.  Besides improving the back, I strengthened in so many ways.  I gained confidence to sing and speak publicly!  A big turning point in my life.

My goal…

To transform the world through voice!  It’s my passion. Singers are the heart of the world…support your confidence, your alive natural voice, your joy and invigoration.

Alan Rickman was heard to say on breath and voice how the Alexander Technique had been crucial to his vocal training. He was able to display a flawed screen character with a perfect ‘voice’ match. 

Click here for more about lessons  Or leave your name here for a free online course, tips, traps – start discovering this unique way for you!  It’s not the traditional techniques.